A creator journeying through AI and the metaverse. Currently experimenting with earning while playing NFT games 💰. Studying blockchain at the University of Tokyo, fascinated by the potential of Web3. Exploring zero-knowledge proofs, Solidity, and machine learning 🧐. Sharing my output through three websites. Would you like to discuss the future together?
仮想通貨×GameFiで夢を叶える! Play-to-Earnで稼ぎながら、AIが創造するエンタメを楽しむメタバースライフ。
Fulfilling dreams with crypto x GameFi! A metaverse life enjoying AI-created entertainment while earning with Play-to-Earn.
We widely introduce tips to bring changes to your life, such as travel, dieting, English learning, and asset management. Why not explore with us what you can do to enrich your daily life?
Crypto Guide for Beginners